Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Thank You, Lord for this quiet day
Where I can seek Your face and pray
Thank you for the Book
Where You can see my name at a look

Many thoughts run through my mind
Then I remember to think on You
And leave them all behind

It has been a long time
Since I have written poetry or rhyme
To be inspired and to bless
The years fly by with just more stress

Often I sit with shattered thoughts
Wants and desires come to naught
You pick me up and draw me close
Filling my cup when I need it most

Words are a mere attempt at expression
My heart longs to escape oppression
Your Will to be my desire
Your Way may I always aspire

Thank You, Lord for this release
May my thoughts and words of You please
Your whispered promises make me sing
A glimpse of Heaven's bells as they ring

Thank You, Lord for this quiet day
Where I can seek Your face, and pray

~RJC 8/17/11

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