Alright, so yes the title is tonally similar to a show from yesteryear. Our lives right now seem to be going by in a daze. Trying to capture daily memories and treasure them has been my latest endeavor. Life is soooo short, I really don't want to let it go by at warp speed without anything to value. The boys' work schedule is very disjointed, my schedule never lets me get bored, and Ted's schedule is frenetic.
With this being the case, there are often late night soccer tournaments in the kitchen, or speed dating with my husband
(rushing to a date with him before he speeds off to work).
This type of family disarray was never what I had hoped the future would hold, so I am purposely forcing myself not to worry as much about housework and concentrate more on building relationships with my loved ones.
Today could be a day to spring clean the house, but the sun is shining, the roses on the table are whispering, and the basket of chocolate has been upended for easier access, I think I need to make myself take a day off and enjoy the little things instead of the dirty things.
Life is but a vapor, but what is done for Christ will last.
Just a shout out to my sister- yes, at the moment we don't seem to be sick although many people we know are suffering the flu and various ailments.
Happy birthday to my nephew Jordan, and Justin will turn 19 in a few short weeks.
Oh, and next week I have been called for Jury Duty!!!! Wow, but I will save all those for another blog post.
Someone please put the brakes on, the scenery is going by too fast!