Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Just in Case

Nineteen years ago today, somewhere between 5:15 and 5:25 a.m., my second and final child was born. Coming just barely over a year after our first child, many people even now think they are twins. We named him Justin out of sheer desperation of finding a name that we both agreed on. For years, he struggled with his name partially because he did not think it was a name of quality or worth. He would beg that we would change his name to something else. On his 13th birthday, his great-uncle took him out for a birthday dinner, and the waiter was a really cool dude. His name was also Justin, and he, with great enthusiasm, informed my son that their shared name was a strong name that meant Just and Right! That started him thinking....
Our son soon became friends with another Justin at church who is also "cool" and "right". This too seem to make him think that his name was alright after all.

Happy Birthday, Justin, may you live up to your name of what is Just and Right in the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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