My recent blog posts have been geared towards the burden we have looming over us, and how God has given me assurance on a daily basis that He is taking care of us. My sister emailed me a week or so ago to let me know that she had found one of the songs that our church choir sings on YouTube. That song stuck in my mind since she called it to remembrance. This morning, our choir sang it!
Tonight, a precious lady came to church who has pancreatic cancer with a discouraging prognosis. When I first heard the news about her situation, the song our youth choir sings "He knows my Name" came strongly to my mind. I even shared with a fellow church member how that song just resonated through this situation. Tonight our youth choir sang that song! It was like God was reminding me that He knows her name, but He knows Mine too!
Then each song from the special music selections crescendoed with God's promises that He will never leave us or forsake us! By the time our associate pastor got up to preach I was crying tears of peace and victory. That would have been enough even more then enough, but the message was on "Standing on the Promises of God"!
If you read my previous posts you would remember that God gave me a promise a day, today it was God dumping over the bucket of promises and dripping them all over me!!! is the web address to watch Tammy and our church choir sing of the promises of God taped a few years ago. My sister tells me that she thought she saw my mother in law who is in Heaven now singing with the choir. What a legacy of the promises of God!
No, I am clueless how God will meet our need, but He sure has made it possible to thoroughly trust Him for it!
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