What fragile beings we can be especially in extreme conditions. I am sitting here with the a/c blowing under my desk as I type, not even daring to open the door to the blast of heat that permeates the outside of my cocoon.
I have been thinking of starting another post, and kept thinking I would wait a few more days, but the whimsy to babble on became more then I could bear.
The last 2 weekends were supposed to be wedding filled... in our family's case they became work filled.
Life seems to be more about work then about life lately and I miss the days of whimsy. Most of the days that I have a low work load or a day off I usually spend it resting or trying to get housework done. Today, I decided that I was going to cook and plan a meal. It feels like forever since I have planned and executed a menu!
So, I took some leftover ham gravy and doctored it with more milk and some gravy master and heated it through, heated up some frozen meatballs and then added them to the gravy. They are simmering together in my crockpot now in my first attempt at Swedish meatballs! I am really excited that I was able to create such a yummy dish so simply... they will go well tonight with mashed potatos, corn, biscuits, and a bit of stovetop stuffing. Then, for dessert, I can't decide if I am going to make decadent chocolate cake, or double chocolate chunk cookies??
On another sidetrack, while I was musing and messing in the kitchen the phone rang.... it was my friend Joann who just left last week to be a missionary in Moldova. She was homesick and wanted to have a long conversation, but the connection was so bad on her end, all she got to hear was my voice and a few questions. Pray for Joann as she adjusts to the ministry and the minutiae(is this even a word?)of living in a foreign country.
I do have a hidden agenda in this blog post, I need to write a letter to my kudzu nephew at boot camp and since most of what I blog about is what I would send him I thought I would cheat and just print out these posts and mail it to him. Jordan, I know it's such a cheap multi tasking shortcut, I hope you don't mind. I hope all my readers will continue to pray for Jordan that he will be safe in all this heat... reminds me of the phrase, if you think it's hot now.... then stay out of hell!
Let me do the birthday greetings for June- Happy Birthday to my nephew, Andrew (somewhere in California), Happy Birthday to My other dad, Ronn and also his amazing wife- Gayle, Happy A-day to my Princess- Cheyenne, Happy Birthday to Ted's brother Jon, Happy Birthday to Carmelita, and then Happy Birthday to my Kudzu Brother-in-love, Mark.
Happy Anniversary to Tim and Jen this month too! Uhm, it might be possible that I forgot someone in there... when you have a family that rambles around the country like kudzu it's often easy to forget a leaf or bramble somewhere!
Also please pray for Mrs. Birt, she adopted Ted as her own especially after Momma died, and after a horrific break to her leg she is in the care of a nursing home that is not giving the best of care to it's residents. Pray she will stay safe and be able to heal!
Well, got my urge to ramble out of my system, the laundry is going, the boys are hither and yon and my hubby hopefully is staying cool in the midst of this heat and overwhelming work stress.
Jordan, my thoughts and prayers for you as you persevere and finish your next leg of life's journey!
Happy Father's Day to all my Dads!!!! and to my SuperMan husband- I love you Ted!!!
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