Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Did you read that last post? Yes, it was a miserable end of a long week, well until later that day. After constantly cleaning up with the sick dog, both of us were getting pretty blue. Ted looked at me and declared we were leaving and getting out of town. I looked at him and thought ~ oh my he wants a date and I look like, well more like "Cinder" then "Ella". He said he didn't care, we just needed a few hours to ourselves regardless of what life was throwing at us. We jumped into his truck and started driving for the border. By the time we got to the GSP airport exit, it was nearly whiteout conditions! Yes, we had driven straight into a snowstorm in South Carolina!!! Knowing that proceeding further would be hazardous and our destination would probably be closed due to weather, we turned around and headed north again. My sweet hubby declared there was no way he was going home! We stopped in Spartanburg, and enjoyed the cold snow, and went window shopping through the mall and other stores while 2 inches of snow fell around us. Then, Ted took me to one of our favorite restaurants for a belated Valentine's dinner. They seated us right NEXT to the fireplace. Our succulent prime rib was medium rare, but we came out "well-done" :)

We drove home after the snow stopped and the roads were clear as is usually the case in a Carolina winter. The dog was barely alive and stayed that way through Sunday. Monday morning we saw real signs of improvement, but it was still touch and go. Yesterday, we knew he was well on the way to recovery and today he is acting like his normal self.

Sunday morning we traveled to Morganton to see our niece, Emily, get baptized (she received the Lord as her Savior just a couple of weeks ago)! What a sweet assurance to know that another in my family is saved and going to Heaven. We had a sweet time of reunion with that side of the family for a very brief time.

That was to catch you up on the end of the Valentine Saga, now my thoughts for today.

Have you ever struggled to have personal time with the Lord? I pray often, but with work and sleep schedules now seeming to rule my day more then anything else, it has been a challenge. I started my daily reading in the Epistles from Paul and soon something caught my eye through the nudging of the Holy Spirit. The verses are very familiar and have been much read through in each book since my childhood, but now I am doing a word study instead. More then a year ago, maybe even longer I noticed the word "All" and how it means everything and everyone. I started going through and circling that word each time I read it in Scripture. Now, it leaps out at me every time I see it. I may have missed some places, but that word is important to me. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

This time as I read through the Epistles that were sent to encourage and edify the early churches, I began to notice how many positive commands were given. How many actual words of encouragement were in each verse. For example, Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." As I read, the Lord pointed out these words that so often we as Christians do not exhibit on a daily basis: love, joy, rejoice, gladness, kindness, peace.... the list is extensive! Our trials and burdens and evil society weigh us down, and we resemble little of Christ-likeness. This is indeed a wicked and perverse generation, but we do not have Caesars who burn us at the stake or boil us in oil. We are not beaten here in the US for being a Christian, we, so far, do not have to hide in fear of our lives when we worship. We are spoiled! If the early church can rejoice with exceeding joy over salvation and spiritual growth, why can't we? Our apathy has stunted our amazement at God's goodness! So as I read, I circle these words that portray emotion and not just an emotion, but an emotion that is to be put into action.
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

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